Wednesday 10 June 2015

Bento #23

Canned sardines for hubby's lunch today and it's actually his favorite.Canned food isn't really good but sardines promote heart,bone and optimal health and are actually
packed with a wealth of nutrients minus the mercury.I guess the key is to eat everything in moderation.
Topped the sardines with a generous serving of fried onions and steamed vegetables and tomatoes as the side.Looks quite sumptuous.
Thankful to God for the wonderful day today.

Watched an interesting video yesterday in which a Korean guy went round to interview people on what do they live for.It's sad that many of them were stumped by this question.
Do you know the answer?
"What do you live for?" I would think this is the most important question in life.If we have no answer to it,we'll never find our way.If we plan so much for our future,our marriage,our career....why don't we ever plan or think about life after death?
Afterall, all of us will surely die one day.Nobody in history has ever escaped death.
Too young?Too busy?Death strikes at a time we least expect it.
Wake up and think about it now.

As for me,I live for God.Our Creator.Our one and only true God.

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